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Healthcare professionals

World First Adaptive Oxygen Therapy Suite Opens at St Helens Spa

World First Adaptive Oxygen TherapySuite Opens at  St Helens Spa


A luxury boutique wellness spa  on Merseyside has become the first in theNorth West to offer clients the chance to experience groundbreaking adaptiveoxygen therapy.


Ruskin, the 30-acre well-being, sport and fitness retreatin St Helens is now introducing clients to the unique health benefits ofthinAir adaptive oxygen therapy.


A specially designed wellness suitehas just launched, giving Ruskin visitors the opportunity to sample first handthe extraordinary benefits of thinAir.


From alleviating inflammation andchronic pain to improving mental agility and helping to repair injury, thetherapy is already proving popular with clients.


Ruskin wellness spa manager TanyaBradford said: “We are thrilled to have brought thinAir to our spa.


“We had heard about the therapy and howpeople were amazed at the improvements to their health and well being.


“It is a natural fit for our new spa.The therapy is so simple and accessible to all.


“After an initial introduction by ourspa team and a first 45 minute session, clients can then simply relax and letthinAir do all the work.”


The therapy, a world first, has beeninvented by Manchester-based Christopher Kavanagh.


The machine delivers personalisedoxygen therapy programmes to support an individual in order to allow the bodyto recover, repair and regenerate.


Theinitial course consists of 15 sessions, each lasting around 45 minutes, ideallybeing completed within three weeks, followed by additional ‘top-up’ treatments,which clients can book weekly.

The smart device can be used for a number of differentconditions, as it induces a special state within the user's body that has awide variety of benefits, including recovery.

Ruskin client Andrew Appleton is hooked. He said: “I am soimpressed by thinAir. I’m in my 40’s and still playing football.

“I use it to help keep my body fit and healthy and it helpsmy concentration, not to mention aches and pains.

“A friend introduced me to it.  I completed the initial course and was delighted to discover Ruskin hasnow opened a thinAir suite so I am back to keep myself topped up.”

Inventor Christopher Kavanagh said: “We are delighted to be partnering withsuch a prestigious professional wellness setting.

“Ruskin’s have embraced the unique benefits of adaptiveoxygen therapy wholeheartedly.

“The results speak for themselves and by offering it to thewider community, more people will be able to lead pain free, healthier lives.”


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Visit www.ruskins the to find out more

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